Based on a novel by Michael Dobbs and a British show by Andrew Davies, the drama about Washington DC politics kickstarted Netflix's original programming slate, with David Fincher directing the first two episodes, and Robin Wright, Kate Mara, and Kevin Spacey starring. The showended in 2018 after six seasons.
Netflix's first Yiddish production, the miniseries followed a young Jewish woman from New York who is stifled by the ultra-conservative values of her community and escapes to Berlin in a bid to make more of her life.
The four-season show followed the trials and tribulations of school-going teenagers with relation to sexual intimacy in the town of Moorland in England.
Created by The Duffer Brothers, the science fiction show in set in a fictitious town in Indiana where strange things start to happen. Inspired by the works of Steven Spielberg, Stephen King, and H.P. Lovecraft, among others, the show is one of Netflix's most loved productions.
Adapted from a book of the same name, the show followed the creation of the FBI's Behavioural Science Unit and the birth of criminal profiling. It featured many of America's deadliest criminals, and three very determined psychologists, with David Fincher calling the shots.